7. Proposals
7.3. Design Tab
7.2. Project Info Tab
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7.3. Design Tab

Design Tab

The Design tab allows you to enter information about your project that pertains to design. The more design information you enter here the better prepared your design team will be to provide their services. The information entered here is for internal use only and cannot be transmitted outside DealerChoice.

Image ProposalDesignTab.JPG

Field Description
Designer You can assign a Designer to this proposal by typing the first few characters of the designers name. A list of matches will appear in a drop down selection box, click on the name in the list. This designer will get a message in their message queue alerting them that this proposal has been assigned to them
Submit Design Request If you have a team of designers, you can click on this check box and a message will be sent to all members of the Design group that you have requested Design assistance. Typically, the Design team leader will evaluate the proposal request and then may assign a particular designer to this job by entering the designers name into the Designer field
Drawings Due You can enter a date that you would like your project drawings completed on.
BOM Due You can enter a date that you would like your Bill OF materials completed on
Check Boxes These fields allow you to convey design information to your design team. Checking any of these boxes means that you are requesting this information to be included in the design project portion of this project
Value Engineer Notes that you are trying to keep costs to the customer as low as possible, checked means YES
Inventory Rqrd Does a customer product inventory need to be completed, checked mean YES
Typicals/Isometrics Typical or Isometric drawings are required, checked means YES
Spec Tagging Do you have product tagging requirements, checked means YES
Field Measure Rqrd Do you need someone to field measure the building space, checked means YES
Install Tagging Do you need the drawings tagged for installation purposes, checked means YES
Presentations Boards Do you need presentation boards prepared, checked means YES
Building Shell Do you need a building shell drawing, checked means YES
BID Is this a bid situation, checked means YES
GSA Is this a GSA project, checked means YES
XPRESS Does the project contain quick ship or express ship product, checked means YES
No Wrkstns If you know how many workstations are required, you can enter that number here
Product If you enter a number of workstations, then you must enter a description of the workstation product to be used
No Offices If you know how many offices are required, you can enter that number here
Products If you enter a number of offices, then you must enter a description of the office product to be used
Ancillary If ancillary (not your primary vendor lines) products will be used, you can check this box
Product If you check the ancillary check box, then you must enter a description of the ancillary product to be used
Design Notes This is a free text field that allows you to enter information about the design requirements for this proposal. You can enter any information that you feel is necessary for others that may be looking at this proposal to know. Currently, Design Notes are internal notes only, they do not appear on any customer facing documents.
7.3. Design Tab
7. Proposals
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